Watching wipeouts has always been one of the most popular and fun aspects of viewing surfing.
Back in the early days of going to the surf movies, probably one of the most favorite parts were the wipeout sequences. People would hoot, holler and cheer footage of surfers eating it.
The worse the wipeout, the better they loved it. I have always said that watching horrible wipeouts is really fun, as long as it’s not you that it is happening to.
This holds true with not only surfing calamities, but most all other ones, too. Think of all those television shows that show clips of people getting trashed in all sorts of ways and think about how much you laugh at them. Guys getting nailed in the worst spots by stray golf balls, cats missing the table on a long jump, cars driving thru buildings, etc.
the gnarlier it is the more we laugh.
In the past, I have written about the worst and the dumbest surfing wipeouts I have seen. I have also written about the worst ones I have personally taken. Today, I am gonna tell you about a few of the absolute dumbest ones I have been involved in.
Embarrassing stuff, but I owe it to the people that I have used as examples in the past to come clean with my own not-real-cool mishaps.
One of the ones that I wish would not have happened was the always popular unsuccessful riding the board all the way to the sand thing. In my case, it happened at the spot in Mexico I surf at these days, La Saladita.
It was high tide and I had a nice wave going and was getting close to the beach. My plan was to ride up on the sand and step off on the beach, looking cool for the adoring crowd.
There were a number of people hanging out, including a couple of my friends.
All was going well and everything was leading up to a successful and glorious beaching, when all of a sudden, the fin on my surfboard hit a rock. This stopped my board dead, but not me. I did a violent and very sudden face plant right onto the nose of my board and then rolled…
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