Sean Hannity’s interview of California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom aired Monday night. That Fox News would seek to interview Newsom—and that he would accept (the last time was in 2010)—suggests that 2024 is shaping up to be far more interesting than most pundits and voters realize.
America’s political scene has been in transition since 2016, as the old guard in each major political party fought to stay in power.
The Republicans saw this process accelerate with the election of Donald Trump, though the turnover was incomplete.
For the Democrats, however, 2016 saw the doubling down of the status quo with Hillary Clinton followed by the election of Joe Biden in 2020, first elected to public office in 1970.
Yet, while Biden presents himself as old, familiar, and safe to voters, the reality is far different—it’s not Biden, but the leftwing progressives who are in charge.
And by the end of this year, the charade will end and Biden will announce he’s not really running for the 2024 Democrat nomination after all—that his long and honorable public service (picking up a few checks from a Ukrainian oligarch here, or a Chinese “businessman” there) has worn the man out and he wants to spend more time with his family.
Which brings us back to the governor from California. Newsom, 25 years junior to Biden, represents all the Biden administration’s radical policies—on child sterilization in the name of gender change, generous benefits to illegal aliens, higher taxes, and crushing government control in the name of social equity or combating climate change. With Newsom, you get one of the whitest dudes in California from one of the oldest and most connected families, which means, of course, a constant drone about white supremacy and white privilege—after all, how else can a white elite guy “save” those people of color who need saving?
And, Newsom, unlike his potential Democrat rivals waiting in the wings, has the…
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