Here is a sampling of upcoming faith gatherings and community outreach events.
May 25
Multicultural Summer Carnival at St. John Eudes Parish: Event includes dance and musical performances, carnival rides and games and a variety of multicultural food, noon-11 p.m. today; noon-9 p.m. May 26. Free admission. Location, 9901 Mason Ave., Chatsworth.
Valley Greek Festival: The 48th celebration of Greek culture, dance, food and music, noon-9 p.m. today-Monday. Church tours offered, noon-6 p.m. (also, a choir presentation at 4 p.m. each day). Admission $5. Check the website for parking suggestions. St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, 9501 Balboa Blvd., Northridge. 818-886-4040.
Sherman Oaks Lutheran Church: “Real Presence” contemporary service, 5 p.m. Also, a 10 a.m. traditional service on May 26. The church’s May “Oakleaves” newsletter: The Rev. Titus A. Utecht leads services. Location, 14847 Dickens St. 818-789-0215.
May 26
Trinity Sunday at Prince of Peace Episcopal Church: Service, 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Service bulletin: ( Location, 5700 Rudnick Ave., Woodland Hills. 818-346-6968. Email: [email protected].
The Power of Vision: The Rev. Michael McMorrow explains the message at the 9 and 10:30 a.m. services. The theme for May is “Good to Great to Grand.” Center for Spiritual Living, 17622 Chatsworth St., Granada Hills. 818-363-8136. Details:
Holy – Trinity Sunday: The Rev. Timothy Jenks delivers the message, based on Isaiah 6:1-8, at the 9:30 a.m. service. Canoga Park Lutheran Church, 7357 Jordan Ave., Canoga Park 818-348-5714. Facebook:
Memorial Sunday: The Rev. Douglas Dickson delivers the message, based on Isaiah 49:8-16, at the 10 a.m. English-language…
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