Neighborhood councils are a built-in way to escalate concerns in your neighborhood to city officials. They’re also increasingly training grounds for people who eventually get elected to higher office, so they can give you a preview of who might end up running the city down the line.
Neighborhood council elections are coming up, and we want to hear from those who have run for a seat before.
What we want to know
What was the experience like? What did you learn? And what should others know before they run for a seat?
Tell us about your neighborhood council experience
Why we want to hear from you
If you’re looking for ways to get involved in your community and push for change at City Hall, neighborhood councils are one way to get on the ground floor of local government. But every neighborhood council is different, and experiences vary a lot across the board.
We’re working on a story about what future candidates should know before they decide to jump in, and we want to get expert advice from those who’ve been through it before.
Why now
It’s neighborhood council election season! The candidate filing period is happening right now for many councils, and voting opens soon. Check here or on the map below to find out which neighborhood council is in your area and election dates.
Read the full article here